Tuesday, July 7, 2009

i’m a bad daddy with a bad tongue

i guess, my body decided to give signs of warning after not having enuff sleep for few nites… i couldn’t sleep well ever since megan was down with flu, and for the first few nites, we kept waking up whenever she coughs, fearing she could choke by her phlegm…

what sign of warning am i getting then? instead of ulcer in the mouth, i’m getting tears on my tongue… where the tip of the tongue felt like being slit by a penknife… yup, its darn ouchy… and just can help nimble at the torn part of the tongue and feeling that extreme pain… i think i’m crazy… anyway, no more heaty food for me liao…


bad daddy? yup, bad daddy… feeling down and easily annoyed with the bad tongue of mine, i decided to have a ‘peaceful’ dinner by releasing the ruthless rednose reindeer… remember this?


last year, we realised megan is afraid of this reindeer… and so, rudolph was condemned to stay inside the storeroom, until tonight… look at her, she’s terrified!


in the end, she is so terrified that she cried… and i got to go over to ‘save’ her… and there goes my stupid idea of wanting a ‘peaceful’ dinner… i guess, i can’t think properly with a bad tongue…

but thats not the end of rudolph! its not condemned back to the storeroom yet… instead, its ‘tasked’ with a mission to ‘guard’ the kitchen…


now megan can’t play with the oven, open and close the drawers, explore the dustbin and play with the water in the well… yup, the toilet bowl…


i’m really a bad daddy with a bad tongue… and, who knows how to draw as well…



ouch, darn tongue still hurts… grrr…


  1. Hope you all feeling better! Poor Megan! Using Rudolph to guard kitchen very good idea!! :D

  2. yeah thanks... i'm sounding like i'm having short tongue now... :P

    oh... that rudolph, i doubt the effect will be long thou... sooner, megan will overcome her fear...

  3. hahaha, take care urself, only can take care ur kid :P (sounds like im a daddy XD)

  4. oh ya, thanks, sure will... i think megan's all too happy cuz i wouldn't be scolding her for being naughty... cuz i can't speak properly liao!!!
