felt better after bfast, so went for a run. this time, i finally completed the 20 rounds at the carpark rooftop... not power training thou... i realised i can run faster when 头文字D soundtrack is playing on my mp3... hmmm... wonder if i can use mp3 player for my ippt test...
felt even better after my run, so suggested to joelle to go for a walkie when we reached her parent's place. so we headed to the zhenghua park, thats just below her parent's block.
i managed to do some chin ups, and joelle secretly snap lor... so ugly...
luckily can't see the crampy facial expression... haha
alrighty, fasten your seat belts... here comes the photos...
this funny looking fruity thingy is found all over this tree here.
and it looks poisonous... :P
this is another one... weird looking pretty little thingy...
can't get this shot right, cuz its windy and this stalk here kept shaking...
joelle told me this is the cocoa tree, she can recognise its leaves...
hmmm... 真的吗?
then we decided to get off the beaten track, and venture deeper into the other side of the bke expressway. there is this path, going under the expressway, onto the central catchment nature reserve area, where back in the army dayz, we trained our topo... and we used to call it the woodcutter's trail. its mostly used by the army, and some adventure seekers hiking or cycling inside the trail... once my colleagues (nancy, kannan, wailee, rudy) almost got lost inside... haha...
we didn't venture too deep thou... just only to this garden where vegetables are grown here.
joelle said, this can't even hold a candle to the one her family used to have back in the old days. oh well, joelle's 老家 used to have veggie and chicken farms... even fish ponds wor... until they were being chased out by the government for hdb development. oh well, my 老家 is at changi wor, where there are pig farms!
nice flower... don't know what it is thou...
nice flower again... and i still don't know what it is...
i meant, must be something edible mah, if not, grow in farm for what?
this is my fav veggie... the lady's finger!
and this is the first time in my life, i saw a lady's finger plant!
used to think it hangs down instead of points up!!!
joelle really is a farm-girl wor...
much much better than paris hilton in the simple life show...
haha... no offense thou... :P
and joelle calling out to me to look at this... a brinjal!
i only saw 2 kinds of brinjal... cooked and purplely picked ones...
never saw an unripe, white, 'still attached' brinjal before...
then joelle was like, this is kangkong, this is 菜心, that is 'bei leng cai'...
i can't even recognise any of them wor...
so i just happily snapping away...
like this love shaped leaves...
and joelle was so excited with this long bean... which is really long lor...
time to head back to civilisation, as its getting dark le...
so called the kids to come down to meet us at the coffee shop for dinner.
after that, bring the kids to playground...
val, never fail to pose... :)
i get the kids to do a star jump for me.
daryl did quite well here...
and val jumped as thou she is flying wor... haha...
and the overweighted dominic... haiz, forget about it...
anyway, this is the walkie we did today...
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