joelle and yanping, the 2 preggies...
flip the menu for half day and still choose back the usual quarter and half chicken meal lor...
got myself a half chicken, and ice lemon tea... my fav...
however, the chicken sucks, the ice lemon tea diluted... 失水准啊! luckily the muffin still ok...
6 side dishes and only the sweet corns can make it...
then came ping zhu, who will be leaving us for good to australia next year... :(
finally, 大家都到齐了... group photo again...
from left to right, we got yiping, shumin, yanping, shuping, pingzhu and huiping... notice how many ping-s are there... they are not called the 萍帮 for nothing lor... the girls have known each other for 13 years already! now all become aunties le... keke
where are the guys wor?? all become uncles, so not taking photo of ourselves... haha...
oh ya, the bride to be... just to compare before and after...
yup... 突然觉得她好温柔哦... hee...
lotsa catching up going on, i just happily snapping around...
thanks to poh heng, our groom to be, for the ride home... and shumin, you are not forgiven for missing out me and joelle, yanping and pingzhu's invitation card lor... even thou we can't attend, an invitation card is still a must lor... 几毛钱也要省 meh?? keke...
anyway, wish poh heng and shumin a blissful marriage.
yup... no drinking session thou... :P
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